From our bees to vision, this is how Blossom Bees began.

  • Hand-harvested

    Blossom's hand-harvesting yields a non-machine processed honey, which guarantees purity and quality with meticulous attention given to every frame.

  • American Made 🇺🇸

    From our bees to glass jars, labels, and lids, everything is proudly sourced in the USA—supporting local craftsmanship at every step.

  • Wild wellness

    Blossom's raw honeys never touch plastic, are never filtered or processed, preserving our distinct flavors and genuine natural health benefits.

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Before the Beginning

In the early 2000s, Blossom Bees' founder was stung by a swarm of bees which created a lasting fear. That fear, however, eventually transformed into a quiet fascination followed by love and respect for these fascinating insects. This laid the groundwork over two transformative decades in which Blossom Bees Honey Co. was born!


The Beginning

Two hours west of rural Massachusetts, we acquired a single package of hybrid European black honeybees from another apiary.

2019 — 2020

The Expansion

Blossom Bees expanded rapidly. To prevent losses from natural swarming, we split colonies, moving the old queen with half the bees to new hives, resulting in a sixfold increase in our apiary's size. We also rapidly bounced back from a black bear attack.


The Expansion Contd.

This was our experimentation year—with over eight thriving colonies diverse bee breeds were used to reveal varying honey yields. This uncovered the artisanal quality of our honey production—each season bringing unique types of honey, shaped by how each bee processes and stores it.

2021 — 2022

The Great Death

Despite best efforts against predators and diseases, due to black bear and bald-faced hornet attacks, both apiaries succumbed. These losses underlined beekeepers' crucial role and the stark challenges honeybees endure in the wild, where survival is tough.

2022 — 2023

A New Beginning

With some layout updates and extra additions the yards were revived, reusing resources and welcoming new colonies—Italian, Carniolan, and Saskatraz bees. We also launched our signature artisanal hand-harvested honeys.

  • Bees are incredible navigators

    Bees possess an extraordinary ability to communicate directions to food sources using the "waggle dance." They convey precise information about the direction and distance of nectar or pollen, performing this dance in the hive.
    During the waggle dance, a bee moves in a figure-eight pattern, waggling its body while emitting specific vibrations and sounds, indicating the direction of a food source in relation to the sun's position, its quality, and the distance bees need to travel to reach it.

  • Superb pollination powers

    Bees are remarkable pollinators. A single bee colony can pollinate about 300 million flowers in a day. Their diligent work significantly contributes to the growth of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

    Bees pollinate a wide variety of crops, including apples, almonds, blueberries, and squash. They are responsible for pollinating approximately one-third of the world's food crops.

  • Complex social structures

    Bee colonies function like well-organized societies. They have a structured hierarchy with a queen, worker bees, guards and drones, each with specific roles and responsibilities. The coordination within a colony is astonishing, allowing for efficient and harmonious functioning.
    Within a hive, worker bees perform various tasks as they age, starting with nursing the brood, then transitioning to tasks like guarding the hive and foraging for food. The queen bee, solely responsible for laying eggs, can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day during peak seasons.

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Misconceptions about beekeeping

Misconception 1: "Honey harvesting harms bees and exploits them!"

Reality: Blossom's ethical honey harvesting respects bees' natural surplus, vital for their well-being. Bees store excess honey, allowing ethical collection without disrupting their food supply. Harvesting prevents 'honey-bound' combs, crucial for avoiding colony collapse.

Misconception 2: "Honey production doesn’t benefit the environment!"

Reality: Blossom's hand-harvested honey significantly aids pollination, supporting crop growth and ecosystem health. Bees' pollination efforts are vital for a healthy environment and diverse ecosystems, ensuring your food supply. Purchasing our products helps support growing and maintaining healthy bee populations.

Misconception 3: "You're stealing food from animals, it's cruel!"

Reality: Harvesting honey is not considered cruel but essential for the well-being of bees. Bees cannot self-regulate their foraging behavior, they collect as much as they can, which often leads to honey-bound frames.

Honey-bound refers to a condition where bees fill all available comb space with excess honey, leaving no room for essential activities like egg-laying and pollen storage. This situation, if not managed, can lead to colony collapse and endanger the bees' survival. Harvesting surplus honey prevents honey-bound combs, ensuring space for vital colony functions, safeguarding their health, and supporting their thriving existence.

Questions? Give us a buzz!